Our Schools
Our trust currently comprises of two secondary schools and one sixth form spread across two different locations in the south of Sunderland. This gives us an excellant understanding of our local area, the needs of its children as well as an excellent foundation from which we can grow.

Southmoor Academy
Southmoor academy is the founding school of our trust and acts as the base of operations for The Aspire North East Multi Academy Trust. Southmoor has grown in popularity, especially over the last five years, now being over-subscribed in almost every year group as parents flock to Southmoor for its reputation of raising aspirations.

Sandhill View Academy
Sandhill View Academy has been on an incredible journey since joining the Trust in 2015. Standards at the Academy have transformed as the Trust’s vision was implemented, seeing significant improvements in exam results. This transformation has also been recognised by Ofsted in September 2021, awarding the Academy a ‘Good’ rating.
Sandhill View is a welcoming and inclusive school, with a strong culture of mutual respect and loyalty, proud to serve our local area. We provide a highly supportive environment, where the well-being of both staff and students are a priority, which allows our students to thrive and succeed.

The Sixth Form at Southmoor
The Sixth Form is an ambitous project started in 2015 to provide high quality further education, primarily in academic courses, as well as raising the ambitions of school leavers in our local area. The sixth form has grown massively in its formative years, moving from an initial cohort of around 50 students to year groups well into the hundreds as young minds reach for some of the most renowned universities and exciting careers choices across the country.

Key Demographics